Getting closer to launching “Swords & Heroes E-Zine” - Sword and Sorcery One Story at a Time. For submission guidelines, click here. As a reader of this S&S Roundup, you’re already a subscriber! This free newsletter runs every two weeks; on alternating weeks, you’ll receive an original S&S tale direct to your inbox (or to read later here online).
Free subscription, but there will be opportunities to express your support to the zine’s contributors. In a few weeks we’ll announce the initial table of contents! Exciting! Any questions, just ask. Now, here are more opportunities for writers…
Crimson Quill Quarterly: “We will be accepting until May 15th and hope to have our decisions made one calendar week afterwards.”
Schlock! is now open to all submissions. For guidelines, visit here.
Heroic Fantasy Quarterly will open for subs in July 20,024! (grin)
Hexagon Speculative Fiction opens May 1st. Guidelines here.
New Edge Sword & Sorcery is looking for flash fiction. Deadline is May 1st.
Swords and Sorcery monthly magazine submission guidelines are here.
Savage Realms Monthly has submission guidelines here.
Goodman Games is “open to writers interested in working on our 5E lines.”
Do you have any other market tips? Comment or message me with links. Thanks!
New S&S Projects
+ Check out this 2 minute book trailer from Spiral Tower Press regarding Keen Blades #1: Hurled Headlong Flaming by Matt Holder. This first novella arrives May 1, 2024.
+ Announcing Parallel Universe Publications latest project: Adrian Cole’s Elak of Atlantis Trilogy. Coming soon! Also, Volume 8 of Swords & Sorceries: Tales of Heroic Fantasy arrives in a week or so.
+ From Sword Worship: “2nd issue of our newsletter-turned-fanzine featuring an interview with Nick Varsamis (Wrathblade/Litany) , a new short story by Schuyler Hernstrom “The Song of Toran”, comic “Syrtis Major” by Chris M. Wilson and Jason Tarpey, EC news & more!”
+ The Last Shadow Epic - a 9 book series by AJ Cooper - has just dropped. Quick blurb from Book 1: "A summons from a long-lost mentor thrusts Reev Nax, a boy of uncertain parentage, into a fateful journey of discovery. Reev learns that an ancient evil has reawakened in the world of Varda..."
+ I, Barbarian! by Gary Lovisi (Author) and Ron Hill (Illustrator). “There once was an age of men before the dawn of pre-history, when magic ruled and heroic warriors fought with blood-drenched swords in vicious battles for treasure, power, and honor.”
+ Check out The Hollow Realms, a 3 book series by Jordan Allen. "Venture forth, traveller, into The Hollow Realms. A world of dark fantasy sword and sorcery tales, taking inspiration from the pulp classics of old."
+ Also note The Ruined Gods, a 3 book series by Alex Robins. Quick blurb from Book 1: "At the heart of every legend lies a truth. Twisted and reshaped by the currents of time." Panacea, Metanoia, and Titanica - just released this April.
News You Can Use
+ The Libertarian Futurist Society has announced five finalists for the Best Novel category of the 44th annual Prometheus Awards. Howard Andrew Jones's Lord of a Shattered Land is among the finalists. Congratulations!
+ Glass Hammer co-founder Steve Babb tells Prog why the band decided to step into the world of swords and sorcery for Dreaming City. Babb is the author of Skallagrim - In The Vales Of Pagarna. Book 2 is expected later this year.
+ All the latest news from Heroic Signatures.
+ Coming Sat, 28 September - the Innsmouth Literary Festival 24. This autumn marks the return of the Innsmouth Literary Festival. Check out the 2023 highlights video.
+ Four Fools Press celebrates their four year anniversary. Titles include Courage and Steel - Erlik Saga, Vol 1 - along with other viking stories with Erlik Rowenson the Kinslayer by R. R. Hunsginger.
+ "Most Accurate Depiction Of Ancient Combat": Oliver Stone's Critically-Panned Epic Alexander Gets Extremely High Score From Historian (via Screen Rant)
Kickin’ Kickstarters
+ The Elf With No Name #1-2: The next fantasy-western chapter! "The Elf With No Name visits Dwarfwood in the newest issue of the Magic Powder spin-off series!" From Jeff Schiller. Half way there with 25 days to go. Looks cool.
+ The Spear of the Gods Book Two campaign from Gregory Amato is over, but you can preorder the project via PledgeBox. "Imagine a past much like our own, only the myths and sagas of Norse legend are all true. Vikings, wizards, trolls, and gods."
+ The Gray Paladin is an HP Lovecraft-inspired, faith-themed fantasy novel by Garet Davidson. About 2 days to go.
+ Gilead's Fantasy Art - An 18 month calendar is available at Lulu through July, 2024. To find more of Gilead’s projects, here’s his LinkTree. Also, Gilead has a small Kickstarter up called After Image: "Where Do You Get Your Ideas?"
+ Savage Wizard #1-2 - Sword & Sorcery action comedy. "A disgraced barbarian is forced to learn magic with an unhinged wizard to stop his former brother-in-arms from conquering the world." From Lesly Julien. A week to go.
+ Check out my own "Sherlock & Friends: Eldritch Investigations" - An anthology of 9 adventures featuring Holmes’s friends & rivals as they pit their detection skills against Lovecraftian horrors. Almost fully funded with about 10 days to go!
Pulp, Howard, and Lovecraft
+ The journal Zothique #17 (2024) is a R.E. Howard special issue (190 pages).
+ Os Mitos de Lovecraft (2020), a crowdfunded Brazilian black-and-white graphic anthology edited by Douglas P. Freitas, published by Skript. (via Deep Cuts blog)
+ What do you think about Keanu Reeves's BRZRKR series? I'd seen mention of these but then forgot to check them out. Here’s the series on Goodreads.
+ Review of Paul Leone’s The Dweller In Drury Lane from Virtual Pulp.
+ On Facebook: Robert E. Howard Comics and Media News. “Originally just about comics but with so much REH news these days decided to expand to cover everything I can find.”
+ Conan vs. Werewolves at Dark Worlds from G. W. Thomas.
+ Review of The Bantam Conan Series: Conan the Liberator from Gary Romeo.
Podcasts & Video Podcasts
Links of Steel from DMR Books (April 21)
Sensor Sweep from Castalia House (April 22)
The Cromcast - Season 19 Episode 1: Meet Poul Anderson (April 3)
Rogues in the House - The Rogues React! (Part 2, March 28) - “Our follow-up session to origin stories from some of our listeners!”
Monsters, Madness and Magic Podcast - EP#255: Death Of An Endless Summer - An Interview With Tyler Lyle (April 21)
Dungeons & Damsels - “D’aakor The Fearless” (Part 1 of 2) S4E2 (April 11)
Strange Shadows - The Eternal World (Apr 20)
The Worldshapers - Ep 165: Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes – A Fifth of the Story
Ken and Robin Talk About Stuff - Episode 595: IPA Aliens (Apr 19)
Faenon's Fantasy Fiction Newsletter, Saga of the Jewels.
YouTube: Jay Requard, Fantasy Author & Podcaster.
YouTube: Echoes of Crom Records. Sword and Sorcery Heavey Metal, Episode 14 - A Conversation With Ramsey Campbell.
Are there other S&S and adjacent podcasts or YouTube channels you frequent? Let me know! Well, that’s it for another two weeks. Until next time, Lyn Perry
A podcast you might want to check out is Breakfast in the Ruins - a Michael Moorcock flavoured podcast. Delves heavily into genre fiction, gaming etc. and is very funny.
Stumbled across another market for your list. Primarily sword and planet, but seems to take S&S: