Thank you for including Sword & Scandal as a Kool Kickstarter. I am honored! When it funds, I hope you share the call for submissions!!!

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For sure. Just remind me then!

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Awesome roundup and still loving the writers' news! I have started subbing to some of these using your list as a reference point, so very useful, thank you. If I finish another story in time I'll try subbing one to you too! Also, if you are now including general fantasy / SFF magazines that might publish S&S and not just S&S exclusive ones, you could also add Clarkesworld, Interzone, Podcastle and The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (big literary heavy hitters though I know the latter two have published S&S in the past). I've also subbed an S&S story to Fanatical Magazine recently though they may have closed as not much activity on their website lately.

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Excellent, thanks for the ideas. Yeah, I think including a variety of markets is good. May not do it every time but it's good inspiration. And yes send me a story any time, don't worry about a deadline. ;-)

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Cool; thanks! :)

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Anvil is open through May 31 for their Nov issue btw - https://anvilmagazine.com/submissions/

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Another addition: TRIAPA is an APA organized by Spiral Tower Press to give fan writers the opportunity of participating in this venerable tradition of fandom and print history. The focuses of TRIPA are three sets of three: the pulp genres of sword and sorcery, cosmic horror, and space opera; the past, present, and future of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror; and chronopolitanism, compassion, and hope. If you are interested in participating, find out more here:


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Update: Anvil is open until May 31 for their Nov issue. https://anvilmagazine.com/submissions/

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