May 14Liked by Lyn Perry

Clever short piece, read like a fable, and I knew that the rash behavior of the protagonist would not lead to a good end!

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Thank you. I think Martan's end was set from the beginning, of course, but it was fun to watch it unfold - at least for me as I wrote it! Glad you enjoyed it.

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Fun story, thanks! Put me in mind of Tinder (which I've never used), only with dragons. Swipe left or swipe right? I wonder what a dragon dating app would be called? There's an idea for a story...

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There you go! Thanks for reading.

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I had my fingers crossed for Martan. I have a soft spot for characters doing foolish things and then struggling to get out. He gave it a good shot!

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Send up a flare when you spy a dragon's lair!

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I liked it. Cleverly done.

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Thanky! Fun to write.

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May 14Liked by Lyn Perry

Yeah, most enjoyable. And though I anticipated a nasty end to ol' Martan, I didn't "see" it coming.

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Thanks! The ending was kind of inevitable. Sometimes knowing how a story will end is part of the fun. I'm glad this one worked for you!

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Very nice 👍

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Thank you!

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May 14Liked by Lyn Perry

Hearting the entire ensemble, Lyndon! Great idea, stellar lineup, fun test run. Thank you!

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Thanks, Jason. Looking forward to seeing how this develops. Send me a story! ;)

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